Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 2, 2010

5 months old!!!!

Syler is 5 months old today!!!! I can’t believed it was a year ago yesterday that Miguel and I found out we were pregnant. So, how is my little chub ball doing? He is doing GREAT and is not so chubby anymore. I must sadly say that Syler is losing his buddha belly in exchange for length. He is getting so long. Its actually quite funny, because Syler can fit in 3-6 month old cloth waist wise, but some of his cloths the sleeves are too short and it looks like he has high-waters on.
So, here are Syler’s likes and dislikes.


~ Bouncer: Syler still loves his bouncer. Even though we rarely turn on the vibration, he still enjoys hanging out in it while playing with his toys.
~ Books & reading: Syler continues to love being read to.
~ Talking: Syler is a chatterbox. He is constantly talking. His new favorite thing is talking to the ‘other baby’ in the mirror. It is too cute. We have also seen new facial expressions and movements/positions with his lips and mouth. So he is definitely gearing up to say his first word soon…..
~ His toy rings: Syler enjoys playing with, chewing on and sucking on his toys rings that link together. This is his favorite toy. We attach these rings to his bouncer while he is hanging out and he just constantly plays with them. He has even fallen asleep a couple of times with the rings in his mouth.
~ Orange deer: Even though this deer has dropped down to second place, he still loves playing with it.
~ Baths: He still enjoys taking baths. He also enjoys kicking his legs in the water and splashing mommy.
~ Watching things: Syler enjoys watching mom & dad, max, the cats, cartoons or anything that moves. By now, Syler has adult vision and can pretty much distinguish between colors so he is really taking in his environment. He can also see us from across the room.
~ Grabbing: Syler’s grabbing/hand-eye coordination and hand movements have greatly improved. He is constantly bring items to his mouth and is able to reach for items and grab them. Sy also enjoys lifting his legs and grabbing his toes or legs. He is also constantly doing with.
~ Rice/Oatmeal cereal: Sy loves it and gobbles it right up....
~ Shoving his fingers so far in his mouth he gags.


~ Getting dress-mainly having things pulled over his head: Syler doesn’t like having clothing pulled over his head. He instantly cries. More recently, he hates having his hat put on.
~ Red lights: Like mostly all babies, Syler enjoys the movement of a moving car, but immediately starts crying when we stop for a read light. He can be sound asleep, but at soon at we stop he starts crying.
~ Sitting in his car seat: Syler does not like sitting in his car seat if it isn’t moving. 0 movement = crying.
~ Tummy time: Even though this is getting better and we have seen an improvement in his dislike for tummy time, he still doesn’t like it. The improvement we have seen is that Syler will hang out on his tummy a little longer now before he starts crying, which is good.

**What’s new**

~ Sitting up: Recently Syler has started trying to sit up. While sitting in his bouncer he will lift his upper body up while trying so hard to sit up.
~ Rolling to his side: While having play time on his back, Syler will roll to his side and just hang out there for a little bit. But, he has not yet rolled to his belly.
~ Sitting: Syler is getting so much better at sitting. He only requires a little support while sitting. He is getting more strength & control of his head and upper body, which is making it easier to sit. It seems as though he prefers to sit rather than being on his back. I can understand why because the view is so much better.
~ Vocabulary: Syler is making new noises and sounds and is constantly blowing bubbles. He is even started to make the little raspberry noise.
~ Teething: nothing new here. We are still at a stand still. He has a couple of new spots of nepstine pearls and is constantly drooling, but no teeth breaking through yet.
~ Sleeping: Within the next week or so Syler is going to making the move of sleeping in his pack-n-play and or crib. Because he is getting so long, he has almost outgrown the bassinet. So we think in the next couple of weeks, he is not going to fit in the bassinet.


Elaine and Brandon Carder said...

It is great to read his like/dislikes because some are the same and some are SO different than other babies his age. It is interesting how some babies either LOVE or HATE the bath etc. It lets me know that they have their own personality about things and you can't plan much about what a baby will do or like but just enjoy the ride they take you on.

Meghan said...

Love the pictures!