Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun in the sun!

This past Saturday was so nice, Miguel, Syler and I decided to meet up with some great friends, Jen (Miguel's cousin) and Shannon (Jen's partner) and have lunch in Northampton. We met Jen and Shannon at the Northampton Brewery, which is known for its homemade beer and great food, and then we did some window shopping before getting some very delicious homemade ice cream at Herrell's. It was nice enjoying a weekend day with my husband and catching up with some great people. Here are some pictures of Sy throughout our day.

Once we left the restaurant we started walking around, and after a few minutes we decided to check and see how Syler was doing. This is how we found him.

A close up!


All tuckered out after some fun in the sun!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Favorite Toys

Here are a few of Syler's favorite toys.

1. Eric Carle Developmental Elephant

2. Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes

3. Infantino Car Seat Buddies

4. Harmonization Fascination Station

5. Fisher-Price Stack & Roll Cups

6. Infantino Jittery Jungle Pals - Lion & Elephant

*Syler doesn't have any of the ones pictured. His is an orange deer with dangly legs. *

7. Infantino Peek, Rattle and Teether

8. Tiddliwinks Safari Bear Blanket Satin Lion Cream White

9. Monkeys Swing on Banana Ring by Sassy

* Syler has the one with a green, red, and purple moneky, and his monkey's don't have rings on them*

10. MiYim Organic Cotton Lovie Blankee - Monkey

11. Baby Signing Time Videos:

7 months old!!!!!

7 months old!!

(Sorry this is a so late!) Syler turned 7 months old last week!!! Holy cow!!!! It hit me a little bit that in just a few short months he is going to be 1 years old.. Wow!!! He is getting so big so fast. I simply can’t believe it.
What’s going on with Syler.


- Talking: Syler is a BIG talker. He takes after his daddy in this area. We hear a lot of ba, ma, ah, ha etc.
- The color RED. Syler LOVES anything that is red: toys, balloons, cups, plates, my nalgene bottle.
- Baths: Syler loves taking a bath. He is constantly kicking his legs while in the bath.. Too funny!
- Toys toys, toys. Syler loves toys
- Books, books, books.. He loves being read to and he is also at the stage where he grabs the books and eats them.
- Sleeping… I swear this kid is a lazy teenager inside.. He loves sleeping. Not that I am complaining.
- Oatmeal cereal. Kid can’t get enough.
- Baby food… Mainly vegi’s. He does have his favorite fruits though. He really likes pear’s and banana’s.
- Sitting in his car seat and riding in the car. Syler has always enjoyed riding in the car, but would most definitely fall asleep within a few minutes. Now, he seems to stay awake longer and enjoys looking out the window, which is the cutest thing. He also has this toy that attached to the handle of the car seat that he likes to play with.
- Still loves his bouncer, but I think we are starting to hit the stage where he is growing out of his bouncer. So Miguel and I need to figure out what we are going to do and how we are going to transition him out of the habit of using it.
- Syler likes chewing on and holding his spoon after he eats.
- Recently, Syler has started noticing himself in mirrors. He stares at himself and sometimes smiles.


- I have to say that Syler’s BIGGEST dislike is having his face cleaned after eating. He hates this.
- Syler’s next biggest dislike is having his nose cleaned/picked. He just absolutely hates this too.
- Tummy time: This is just an ongoing thing, but now that Sy knows how to roll over, he immediately tucks his arm and rolls as soon as we put him on his belly.
- At the moment, and hopefully it is just a phase, but Syler has a growing dislike for drinking from a bottle. This has been a growing dislike over the past couple of weeks. So the majority of his milk intake is through rice or oatmeal cereal.

What’s new/updates:

- Over February break Syler said Mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited!!!!
- He also is able to sit up on his own (with just a little spotting to make sure he doesn’t take a hard tumble).
- Baby signing videos: We, Syler and I, have started watching signing videos. He gets excited when the video comes on and he seems to really enjoy them.
- Starting solids. Syler has had a taste of chicken and pasta. Both of which the doctor suggested to start with. Watching Syler eat these things is kind of funny because he is not quite sure what to do with it. It doesn’t squish in his mouth and he has no teeth to chew it, so it usually ends up coming out of his mouth and rolling (sliding with the drool) down his chin.
- Syler’s grasping ability has gotten much better. He is able to pass objects form one hand to the other, grasp objects with only one hand, bring these items to his mouth. He reaches for items and, sometimes, gets frustrated when he can’t reach something.
- Mentioned in previous posts; Syler is over the dislike of having his winter hat put on or sitting at red lights.
- Syler continues to do a great job sleeping in his crib.
- Stranger Anxiety: We have come to the stage where Stranger Anxiety has set in. We have learned, after he screamed in Dziadziu’s face when I passed him over, that Syler needs a couple of minutes to ‘size up’ the other person before he will comfortably go to that person. Once he has had that opportunity to feel that person out, he is fine. And, if he is not okay once we pass him over, we just simply take him back, let him reset, and then give him back. Then he is usually fine.
- No new news in the teething department. He is still drooling a lot, but nothing has broken through yet.
- We started putting Syler in his walker this month. He doesn’t really do much in it except play at this moment. He does push himself backwards, but nothing to get too excited about.

Next post: Syler's favorite toys