Fast forward to today, I am 31 weeks and 2 days pregnant, which means that Miguel and I only have a little over 8 weeks left before our little bundle of joy arrives (granted that the baby arrives around our due date). OMG!!!!! I can't believe we only have 8 weeks left. It has gone by so fast, but I must say that it has been a fairly easy pregnancy (I hope I don't jinx myself now). Oh, and we are not finding out the sex of the baby, which I know is killing some of you :-).
So what's next? Well, we start child birthing classes on Tuesday July 7th. We are really looking forward to these classes and learning how to breath :-) Though I am excited to start these classes, this just makes me realize that I am one step closer to giving birth and then having to care for a little child. This is all starting to get a little scary! Also, we will be having doctors appointments every two weeks starting this Monday (7/6). This will last until I am 36 weeks pregnant then we will have doctors appointments every week. Unfortunately, we will not be having any more ultrasound appointment, so we will not be getting any more pictures of our little glow worm. As soon as I figure out how to put pictures up I will....
Yeah...another blog to stock. This is FABULOUS!!!!!! No need to put my know who this is!!
Speaking of spelling..stalk not stock!!! =)
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