I can't believe that I am 34 weeks pregnant. The time has flown by so fast. I only have 6 weeks (possibly) left. So, how am I feeling? That seems to be the question everyone is asking lately. Honestly, I am feeling great! I am more tired this trimester than I was in my 2nd trimester, but that is part of the 3rd trimester. I am having more difficulty sleeping and finding comfortable positions to sleep is becoming more challenging. This late in the pregnancy, one does not have many choices of sleeping positions. Its either sleeping on your left side or right, but really you shouldn't sleep on your right side. So, that leaves only your left side, which is the side doctors prefer you to sleep on anyways. I am finding that if I stay on one side for a long period of time, I get really bad pains in my hip, making if painful and more difficult to change positions. Also, while changing positions, I feel discomfort and pain in my stomach, especially my lower abdomen.
Moving in general is getting more difficult. I have a hard time moving around in bed and getting out of bed, along with getting off the couch. A friend told me the other day that I am starting to waddle. Which is true. I have noticed it myself. Doing different activities (cleaning, dishes etc) are still difficult, but I have noticed that I don't get as short of breath as I use to when I walk up the stairs. I also feel like my stomach leads me to where I need to go. I have also noticed a decrease in baby movement, which I was told was normal, and a decrease in appetite. I am still craving fruit, but I don't feel like eating all that much. Oh, and there as been an increase in stretch marks also, which I am not happy about.
As for doctors appointments, I am now going weekly. My weekly appointments, which were not suppose to start until I was 36 weeks, were prompted after my doctors appointment this past Monday. During my appointment, I expressed my concern regarding the decrease in baby's movement. My midwife was concerned with this also, so she had me come back after lunch and hooked my up to fetal monitors to track baby's movements and baby's heartbeat. After the doctor reviewed the tracking sheet, he said everything was normal and to not worry. Since then, baby has been very active. I guess Baby Barroso was just taking a long break. My midwife was also concerned about my blood pressure. So she took it a second time while I was laying on my left side and she was more please with it. She also mentioned that I should decrease my activity, which I will find difficult because I hardly do anything as it is. Any who, our next doctor's appointment is this coming Monday.
I must say that the closer I get to giving birth, besides getting more scared/nervous/anxious about giving birth, the more sad I feel about not being pregnant. I'm going to miss carrying a little baby in my belly, rubbing my belly as it grows, and feeling the kicks and punches from the little cutie.
Looked, I figured out how to add pictures!!! I'm so proud of myself :-)
Posted 7/24/09
Sarah you look great. Enjoy every minute of it. I couldn't wait for it to be over with but now Brandon is 6 months old already goes by too fast
It's uncomfortable and somewhat painful for me to roll over NOW, so I'm not really looking forward to that! I'm glad you're feeling so well-- I feel lucky to have had such a good experience so far. I've heard from several people who love their babies and kids, but did not enjoy being pregnant, so I'm so happy that you and have enjoyed it!!
Wow, I'm impressed that you are going to miss being pregnant. Ugh I couldn't wait to get that baby out and I havn't looked back. I will certainly do it again, I'm hoping I'll be able to enjoy it more next time, knowing what to expect.
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