Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Toilet Paper Fun!

Since the day that Syler started walking around in his walker, his number one desired item was, and still is, the toilet paper. Every chance he gets he will grab it, bite it, or throw it in the toilet. It was the first thing he went to in the morning when he woke up and we took him out of his crib. More recently, Syler has started a new interest, and that is flushing the toilet, running around to the front, lifting the lid up, watching the water then letting the lid slam down. For fear of his fingers getting smashed under the crushing lid, Miguel and I decided to purchase a toilet safety lid and secure the toilet lid. Syler didn’t like that very much so he turned his attention back to the toilet paper, and well, I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story.


Becky said...

Looks like you need a new toilet paper holder too! Maybe this would stop him

Elaine and Brandon Carder said...

my brother used to flush the toilet and throw the whole roll of tp in it. Our landlords called up one time, my parents told me, to ask if we were having issues with running water b/c they could hear it all the time. My parents apologized and said it was my brother.