Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 16, 2010

Our time to try Cry It Out.

A few weeks ago, Miguel and I decided that it was finally time to move Syler to his crib (he had been sleeping in his bouncer for the past couple of months), which meant that we were going to have to implement the Cry It Out sleep training method. Like many other mothers, I morally, emotional, and instinctively struggled with this idea. But, I knew that I was ready, well more ready, as was Syler, to implement it now as opposed to a few months back when Miguel and I initially discussed implementing this method. So, last week we decided our first night was going to be Sunday (last Sunday). We both knew that we were going to be sleep deprived and that it was going to be a LONG and tough road, so we figured Sunday would be the best start night because Miguel would have the next 3 days off, so I would have him as additional support for me and Syler. I wouldn't have been able to do this on my own (I know because I tried to and I lasted a half hour before giving in). And THANK YOU to Miguel for being so understanding of my tears/fears, supportive and a huge distraction to help keep me occupied. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him by my side. I also owe a big thank you to Cori G. and Kim P. for distracting me for a little while during night one.

~ Night One:
The first night was horrible. There were tears shed by both Syler and myself. It was extremely difficult to listen to him cry; to not pick him up and hug him when it was my turn to go in and quickly "comfort" him; and to hear his cry "mama" over and over again. Syler ended up screaming, crying, whimpering, and whining for 5 hours. There were short periods of silence, where we thought we were in the clear, just to hear moments later more crying. It was a long 5 hours. We both didn't think it was going to take that long. But, he did eventually go to sleep and so did we. That is not to say that we did get a good nights sleep though. All three of us woke up multiple times throughout the night. For Syler, we knew why, but for Miguel and I, not quite sure. So come Monday, all three of us were tired.

~ Night Two:
For some reason, I was dreading the second night more than I did the first. Maybe it was because we had a rough first night and I knew what was in store for us for night two. I don't know, but I did. So, Syler and I went through his normal, every night bed time routine. His routine consists of a snack, bath, books, then bed. I have been doing this routine with Syler for months. 7:50-8 o-clock rolled around and it was time. Miguel gave Syler a good night kiss and off I took him to bed. As I stood in front of his crib giving him a hug and a kiss, he knew what was coming. He immediately started crying. I tucked him in and left. Miguel and I changed the intervals of how often we go in for the second night. Night two was 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes and so on. But, we only made it to 20 minutes. At the 20 minute mark, Syler was calm, laying down, and ready to sleep. And, that was the last time we heard a noise from him. He went a whole hour before he made a few "fussy" noises/cries for a few seconds and then we went back to sleep. I would have to say that night two was a success. But......... did it last?

~ Night Three:
YES!!! It did last. Night three was just as easy as night two. He fussed for maybe an hour this night, but went to bed and slept all night long. He didn't wake until 8-8:30. I was very surprised that he slept the whole night, but it was nice to get a goods night sleep with no interruptions.

We also implemented CIO for naps, but we didn't need to do very much. On day four we put him down for a nap and within 10 minutes (10 minutes of fussing and crying) he went to sleep. Now he has no problem going down for naps. Bedtime is a little bit of a different story. He still cries and fussy for about 20 minutes or so. But, its a lot better than bouncing him for an hour or more in his bouncer and getting up 2-3 times/night. And just to let you know, the bouncer has been packed away for good (or until #2).


Elaine and Brandon Carder said...

I am so happy that it went well and that everyone is resting comfortably.

Did he ever sleep in his crib and then stopped or did he just nap in his crib?

Meghan said...

Yay! Isn't a good nights sleep wonderful?!

Sarah B. said...

Elaine- he did sleep in his crib for a couple of months. I would say from about 2-3 months old to about 7 months. Then he just decided that he hated it.....

Meghan- yes a full nights sleep is wonderful!

Kristeen said...

Good for you!! It's tough, I'm sure. We do it almost every day for naps (though Carter doesn't seem to remember... hence the every day.) I can't imagine not only listening to him cry, but hearing him say "mama." I'm so proud of you for doing what you needed to do! I'm sure you'll all be happier now that you're sleeping :) Yay Sarah!

Sarah B. said...

Thank you Kristeen!!! :-)