Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 4, 2010

11 months old!!!!

I have to start out by saying that this past month just FLEW by. Syler has grown so much, developmentally and physically, this month. It’s just crazy. What is my little man up to these days.

Well, these past two weeks I have been on vacation, so Syler, Miguel and I have taken a lot of day trips, not vacationy day trips, more like trip to get things on our to-do-list. Oh, and we had taken a trip to visit the soon-to-be parents (The Carders) for lunch. In addition to these day trips, Syler and I have gone to a local lake and dairy farm. He absolutely loved the lake and enjoyed watching the cows at the dairy farm. He also enjoyed the non-vacationy day trips as well.

This past month had also brought along Syler’s first real illness. Syler was very sick over a few days with his temperature hitting a high of 104.4 and a call to the pediatrician at 3:30 in the morning. We ended up taking him to the doctors and was told he was fighting a virus, possible had strep throat, and was in the early stages of dehydration. If Syler didn’t give us one or two wet diapers by the time 7 o-clock came on the day we took him to the doctors, we were going to be taking a trip to the ER. Miguel and I were never so happy to change a wet diaper. After about 4 or 5 days, Syler was back to his normal self.

~ Likes~
• Mr. Bear (obviously)
• Dogs- mainly dogs that will tolerate hair pulling , gentle hitting and climbing. Syler especially liked Spencer. Spencer is a chocolate lab (dinosaur). Syler recently officially met (met to where he actually cared about this LARGE creature walking around) Spencer and just couldn’t get enough of him. I didn’t have my camera this time, but I will get pictures the next time they spend time together. Now don’t get me wrong, Syler loves Max, but Max is still too scared to let Syler play on him.
• Wires, paper, plastic and anything else that he is not allowed to play with.
• Yogurt: He can’t get enough of it.
• Mimicking: He loves to mimic what others do.
• Playing with other kids. Which tells me I need to get him involved in some type of social group.
• Water: No matter if it is his bath, the lake or his pool, he LOVES playing in the water.

~ Dislikes~
• Laying down- This kid hates it, which makes diaper changes very difficult. We are constantly searching for things for Syler to play with to occupy him while having his diaper changed.
• Having his faced cleaned/washed- He continues to hate this, but now he fights back a little bit. He know that when the bib comes off, its time to clean his face. At this point he will start to whine, block his face with his hands and pushed your hands away even before you make contact with him.
• Hanging out in his pack-n-play or crib for that matter.
• Having his hair washed. The instant I put my hands on his head to wash his hair, he is trying to remove them.
• Shoes: Syler hates to wear them. He tries to take them off. When he tries to walk in them he looks like a cat walking with tape on it’s feet. Or he will stick his butt out and refuse to walk.

~ New~
• Walking: Syler has improved so much in this area. He is still a little too unstable to walk by himself, but he has gotten adventurous and brave. There will be times where he will just let go of your hands and attempt to walk on his own. He may get one or two steps in before he plops onto his butt. Miguel and I practice with him all the time. We will sit, facing each other, a few feet apart and let him walk between us. Syler has taken up to 8 steps while walking from me to Miguel.
• Crawling: Its not actually crawling. Syler does more of the army crawl, which is super cute.
• Clapping- So cute. Syler will clap when he gets excited or his you say “YAY!!!!!”
• Waving- This is Syler’s new favorite thing to do. He waves hello and goodbye, and loves to wave at anybody, which a lot of recipients find adorable.
• Sitting up on his own- Syler has finally figured out how to sit up.
• I believe that Syler has officially made the association between mama and dada. I believe that he knows I am mama and Miguel is dada.
• Talking- We are hearing a lot of different sounds coming from Syler’s mouth. Lately, he has been making this sound like he is a monsters. It is too funny.
• TEETH- We finally have teeth. Syler has an incisor coming in on the bottom and one on the top. He is constantly touching them with his tongue and or finger. It’s cute because some times, I think, he takes my finger and rubs the tooth with it just to be like “Look mama, I got teeth!” Also, I must say that so far (knock on wood) this teething process hasn’t been that bad. I just pray it stays that way.

Moment of the month: I love watching how excited Syler gets when his Dada comes home from work. He can barely contain himself.

1 comment:

Elaine and Brandon Carder said...

He is getting quite boy-ish instead of being a little baby boy. Makes me realize how fast time will fly for myself in a few months.

It seems that he may go straight to walking instead of crawling.