Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

10 months old!!!!

10 months old!

This month has FLOWN by! I can’t believe that I am already writing Syler’s 10 month old update. I feel as though I just wrote his 9 month yesterday. So my little munchkin is 10 months old!!!!!!!!!! A lot has happened this month in the sense that he has grown so much; developmentally and physically.

What are Syler’s likes right now at 10 months? Well I’ll tell ya.
- Watching daddy mow the lawn. He loves it and gets excited when I first bring him outside to watch. Once he is outside, he just stares at Miguel walking back and forth across the lawn. And, every once and a while he will get this burst of excitement and he will scream and dance.
- Cars, trucks and wheels. (or pretty much anything on wheels) Syler loves to watch cars drive by. He has this fascination with wheels. If I put his umbrella stroller next to the wheel of my car and put him in the stroller, he immediately starts to touch it and examine it. When I move him away he stares at it. He will also stare at the wheels on his umbrella stroller. As he is being pushed, he will just lean over and stare at them. He tries to touch them, but can reach.
- Sitting. If it is not nap/bed time, Syler wants to be on the move.
- Speaking of being on the move, Syler is like a nascar driver when it comes to him being in his walker. Miguel and I wear sandal around the house because it HURTS when Syler runs our toes over with his walker.
- Trying to play with Max, or should I say, chase Max while Syler is in his walker. Max on the other hand does not like this very much and runs away.
- Tummy time!!!! Finally!!!!!!!! Syler will stay on his stomach for extended periods of time now, which is wonderful. In addition, he has started to army crawl.
- Toys, Toys, Toys or anything that he can put in his mouth, shake or bang with his hands.
- Exploring! Syler is constantly exploring and looking for new and interesting things. He especially likes the frig and dishwasher. Once we open the door, he flies towards it and grabs onto a shelf before we have the opportunity to close the door. Oh, and the dishwasher. His fascination with this makes the duty of doing dishes very difficult because he is always trying to do anything from eat the door to pulling dishes out.
- Reading. I have always said that Syler enjoys books and reading, but now when he is read to, he actually sits attentively and listens. He looks at the book, watches my mouth move while I read and grabs and studies the pages. Sometimes he tries to eat the books too ☺
- I mentioned this in my last post and it is still the same. Talking and screaming. More often than not, there is some kind of noise coming out of Syler’s mouth. The noises range from mama and dada to, which is a new sound, chirping or a short, high-pitched scream. He sounds like a little baby bird.
- Pulling hair. Syler absolutely loves this, and I absolute don’t like this… Since Miguel doesn’t have any hair, Syler likes to bang on his bald head.
- Sticking tongue in food. This is a recently new thing. When Syler is getting close to being done eating, he will, first, press his lips again the spoon, then, stick his tongue in the food. Once he has done that, he will eat the food.
- Playing pee-a-boo. SO cute! He enjoys pulling his blanket over his face then pulling it off waiting for me to say pee-a-boo!! He smiles every time.
- Max. I think Max and Syler’s love for each other is growing… Max allows Syler to touch him more and Syler lets Max lick him more. Max also tries to get Syler to play with him when Syler is walking around.

- Same as last post. Syler HATES, simply hates, having his face cleaned after eating. As soon as I take off the bib, he starts to cry, hide his face and try his hardest to avoid the process all together.
- When we say no or take something away from him that he wants to play with but can’t.

- Walking… Even though he is too unstable to walk on his own, he will gladly walk while holding your hands. It is quite funny because sometimes his feet don’t move as fast as the rest of his body and he will topple over.
- I mentioned this earlier, but army crawling. Syler has all the motions/movements to crawl; he just needs to put them all together. But for now what he does is this. Once he is placed on his stomach, he will walk his feet up as high as he can, which causes him to stick his butt high in the air. At this point, he will army crawl his arms out until he is flat on his stomach again. He will repeat this until he has reached his destination or got the object he want.
- Mimicking. Syler will mimic noises and facial expression you make at him. It’s quite cute!
- We are hearing all sorts of new 2 syllable, 2 letter words.
- Protesting/tamtruming… If Miguel or I take something away from him that he is not suppose to have or prevent him from getting into something he is not suppose to, he will scream, cry, protest, tamtrum
- Make the association with mama and dada. I think he is starting to associate me with mama and Miguel with dada…
- Oh, and still no teeth.
- I am starting to plan Syler’s 1st birthday party.. HOLY COW!!!! ALREADY!!!!!!

Moment of the month:
There is not a day that goes by that Syler doesn’t make me smile. I LOVE that! ☺

1 comment:

Elaine and Brandon Carder said...

Well, that is quite a month indeed. I love when kids are starting to walk because it is just the cutest, unsteadiest thing ever.

Can't wait to see him in a few weeks.