Today, Syler is 4 months old!!! Holy Cannoli!!!!!!!!! Everyone tells you, even the old lady walking in Walmart, that they, your child, grows so fast, and boy do they... Miguel and I can't believe that it has been 4 months since this little munchin arrived... What a great adventure Syler has made it...
Anywho, here's what's been going on. We haven't had a doctors appointment since October. We are kind of anxious to go to the doctors because we want to know how much Sy has grown in height and weight.. We kind of weighed him on our own with a bathroom scale and it looks as though he may have gained about 2 pounds (12 lbs 3 oz in Oct) since his last doctors appointment. So we will see. Eating has been the same. Syler might start on rice cereal or oatmeal this months. We will see what the doctor says. Even though I wrote in my last post about Syler's arm, I still feel that I need to update you all about this matter. Syler's arm is wonderful. He is constantly swinging it around. So only good news there. We did not go to our last appointment with the Neurologist. We felt that Syler's arm is just fine and didn't feel it was necessary to go back. So I cancelled the appointment.
On a much much happier note, Syler's belly button is NORMAL. YAY!!!!!!!!!! Well, we don't know if it is completely healed, we will find out when we go to the doctors, but it looks like a normal belly button, and surgery is no longer in the distant future.
On a sadder note, I have retired all of Syler's newborn and 0-3 cloths. They have been folded up and stored in bins until our new little munchin arrives. Each piece of clothing brought back fond memories of the first few weeks of Syler's life. While going through his cloths, I couldn't believe he fit into them. They were so tiny, small and cute.. Then I would think, "I can't believe how much he has grown in such a short period of time." Oh my little boy is growing up!!!!
So, here are his likes and dislikes. Starting with likes:
~ Syler still LOVES his bouncer! To this day, we say this is the best gift ever. He doesn't spend as much time in it as he use to and he doesn't sleep in it nearly as much as he use to. He spends most of his nights sleeping in his bassinett. This leads me to naps, sleeping and routine. Syler seems to have had a consistently routine going for the past month or two, which is great!. He takes one LONG morning nap and then multiple afternoon/evening naps until it is time for bed. Bedtime these past few months has been anywhere between 11-12:30, and he would sleep until about 8 or 9 a.m. I am happy to say that it looks like his bedtime is changing. For the past 3 nights, Syler had been going to bed around 10 and sleeping until about 6/6:30. Syler usually gets any where from 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Even though part of me misses having to get up a few time in the middle of the night to feed or comfort, I am enjoying these sleep-filled nights. I on the other hand still have to get up around 5-5:30 to pump, but not a big deal. We still need to work on a bedtime routine though. I think that will come once evening naps decrease and we get a more consistent bedtime time. Syler is also going longer between each feeding, and there has been a slight increase in food intake per feeding. Hopefully after out doctors appointment on Monday we will start introducing rice cereal.
~ Books & reading time. Syler loves having books read to him!!!
~ Talking. There has been a huge increase in his vocalization. We are hearing new sounds, seeing new facial expressions & new movements with his mouth and tongue.
~ Sucking on his fingers and hands. This is actually pretty funny because he still hasn't quite gotten the hang of sucking on his thumb. So he either sucks on his whole fist or 3 fingers at a time. But, he is constantly sucking or licking his fingers/hands.
~ Playing with toys. Syler has a deer with dangly legs that he loves playing with (see picture). He was all about his glow worm, but he has recently gotten over that. Now, he likes his deer and wormy, which is a little stuff rattle.
~ Baths. He enjoys taking baths now.
~ Watching mom and dad. Syler can just watch us for ever. He loves to stare at us, and if we get up and start walking around her will follow us.
~ Grabbing things and bringing them to his mouth. Syler just recently has started to grab objects and either holds onto them or will bring them to his mouth to suck on.
His dislikes:
~ Getting dressed. More specifically, putting his shirt on. I don't know what it is, but Syler hates having his shirts pulled over his head, or having his shirts bunched up around his neck while you are putting his arms in his sleeves. He hates it and starts crying almost instantly.
~ Being hungry. When Syler is hungry he has no patience (just like his daddy). He will cry until that bottle is placed in his mouth.
Upcoming events: Syler gets his next round of vaccine shots on Monday. So, Monday's agenda will be comforting and caring for a cranky/hurt and sad little man.
All in all, things are going great and Sy continues to be a happy, smiling little man.